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Information for our durability diagram was collected for 52 weeks, that's why the results are quite accurate. However a guarantee for the durability of flag materials CANNOT be given due to the differing weather conditions at every location. They serve as the guide for the selection for individual flag qualities. These empirical results, collected over approx. 10 years, show real values obtained at 4 test sites on Pass Thurn. Inside the .PDF file you will be able to see different flag destruction levels and how do they change from time to time.Durability of all flags is a question which we usually receive from our customers. That's we have created a durability diagram which will help our custmers to decide which flag material to choose and how long it could last. This diagram includes two flag textiles: standart flag textile and AirTex textile. We offer both types of textiles to fit different needs, these materials can be selected while buying custom flags or vertical flags with your company, organization, institution and etc. prints.
However, if you have additional questions about flags durability, their materials, flags itself and more, contact us via e-mail, by leaving a message at our online contact center or by phone +44 7462 826167 and we will try to help you!